Committee Recruitment 2015

The 2015 Executive Board came into the year with new ideas, lofty goals, and big dreams. The ambitious and high spirits of the group of thirty three executive members set out to recruit five-hundred new committee members for the 2015 calendar year. The theme of committee recruitment this year was “Make Dreams Work,” and recruitment events, activities, and meetings took place from January 20 through January 27. Our goal was to discover the dreams of potential new members and also relate to them how much we want to make our kids dreams come true this year.

To kick off the week, we painted the entirety of the Tate Bus stop bay with our newly reconstructed logo, as well as the theme for the 2015 year: “Make Dreams Work.” We also constructed the largest red ribbon we have ever created and hung it from the Tate bridge. Our presence did not go unnoticed. Day one began with recruiting in Tate and the high rise dorms as well as supporting our Dawgs at the basketball game! We continued the week with more tabling, recruiting at the Winter Activities Fair, and t-shirt drops from Tate Bridge.

Our new and very successful additions to committee recruitment week this year were our Committee Interest Meeting, Field of Dreams, and HEROs social at The Hedges on Broad Street. Our committee interest meeting was held in the Miller Learning Center Wednesday night and allowed students to come talk to committee heads about what each committee does and socialize with other students. Field of Dreams was held on Brumby Beach on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and had the same feel as the Committee Interest Meeting. Students floated to each of the twelve tables and asked questions to see which committee was best for them. Finally, the HEROs social at Hedges allowed for executive members to meet new HEROs in a more relaxed and fun environment. Each of these new additions brought us closer to our goal and allowed potential new HEROs to get the sense of family that our organization has.

On our final day of recruitment, we participated in our first ever “Red Walk.” With balloons and flyers in hand, suited up in all red, as well as our favorite music blasting from the speakers, the executive board made a delightful scene on campus as they walked from the arch towards the Miller Learning Center, ending with a high energy walk through the learning center during a class change. We had a ball meeting new students, sharing our cause, and recruiting the dreamers. Our recruitment events and activities proved to be very successful. By the end of the week, we broke our recruitment goal by over one hundred applications and recruited 688 new HEROs! Interviews are this week and we cannot wait to get a jump on the upcoming year! Thank you for making dreams work! See you soon!

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